For the 'child friendly ones' why not get your kids to come along, gain confidence asking questions in a safe public setting and collectively, openly reflect on climate change. How can a cargo bike be a companion in discovering ones parental role Liz Canning had cycled everywhere before, and switching to a car when her twins were. Some of the screenings are perfect for a family viewing. Within this new programming there will something be for everyone, adults, young adults & children alike. Each screening will be followed with an online discussion on zoom and occasional extra special attendees such as directors of the work.

There will be a strong emphasis on narratives that encompass the politics of cycling / active travel / climate change / feminism throughout. Screening remotely a mixture of feature films, documentaries, indie and art house films, anime and much more, all that has a passion for cycling. Woodland’s CYCLE CINEMA CLUB is a monthly online cinema club that celebrates all things bicycle. Ultimately, Liz's experiences as a cyclist, as a mother, and in discovering the cargo bike world, teach her that sustainability is not necessarily about compromise and sacrifice, and that there are few things more empowering in an age of consumption than the ability to create everything from what seems to be nothing. MOTHERLOAD draws connections here to the struggle of cyclist Suffragettes and to women's seemingly endless fight for bodily autonomy. As Liz meets the people behind this push to replace cars with purpose-built bikes, she learns about the history and potential future of the bicycle as the “ultimate social revolutionizer.” Conflict arises when characters encounter cultural resistance, in particular bikelash focused on women and mothers. MOTHERLOAD premieres this weekend, May 4-5 at Doclands Documentary Film Festival in Mill Valley.

Liz is the Director of MOTHERLOAD, a crowdsourced documentary about how cargo bikes will save the world. The film follows director and new mother Liz Canning on her quest to understand the increasing tension between modern life and our hunter-gatherer DNA, and how cargo bikes offer a solution. This month, we’re pleased to feature Liz Canning of Fairfax. Any questions at all, please contact is a crowd sourced documentary in which the cargo bicycle becomes a vehicle for exploring motherhood in this digital age of climate change. We really appreciate that you attend both the screening and the discussion. You will then receive a digital password/code to view the film 3 days prior before the event, so you have 48 hours to watch the film before the Q&A. Register a place through eventbrite here.

Motherload documentary canning plus#
MOTHERLOAD screening plus Q + A with director Liz Canning. Plus we have the pleasure of an Q and A with director Liz Canning all the way out in California. To celebrate our upcoming acquisition of Cargo and electric bikes (via Scottish Government’s Community Climate Asset Fund), we have chosen to screen the excellent independent film, MOTHERLOAD.